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How Much Do Lawn Care Jobs Pay in Cincinnati, Ohio?

5 min read

Employee working lawn care job in CincinnatiThere’s a common misconception that lawn care jobs in Cincinnati, Ohio (or elsewhere for that matter) don’t pay well. It’s assumed that these jobs have a low hourly wage and don’t really offer a viable career path.

Unfortunately, there are some companies that do pay poorly and offer little hope for a long-term sustainable career. These are typically small, often mowing-focused, companies that maintain a few small crews.

But there are large companies contributing to these generalized beliefs as well. Massive, big-name companies often have a revolving door of employees whom they never really get to know. They keep pay low so they can play the volume game by roping in lots of new customers at an ultra-low price.

Both of these scenarios continue to perpetuate the belief that all lawn care jobs pay poorly, when in reality, it’s only some.

We want to help explain how—with the right company—a lawn care job can be a well-paid and even long-term career option.

How Much Do Lawn Care Jobs in Cincinnati, Ohio Pay?

In order to start dispelling some of the notions that all lawn care jobs pay poorly, we want to be upfront about what lawn care technicians at Oasis Turf & Tree can earn. We have always been transparent about our payscale, which is something that our team members appreciate.

Lawn care technician spraying lawn in Cincinnati

At Oasis, we offer a guaranteed base pay rate of $21 per hour.

That increases to $23 per hour when licensed and to $25 an hour when NALP certified.

But lawn care technicians also get paid based on their production, earning a percentage of their daily revenue. We do have some technicians who really hustle and make $30 to $35 an hour. But even if you aren’t hitting those percentages, you can’t make less than $21 an hour.

We often hear a general misconception that people believe they’ll never have the opportunity to earn more and that’s not the case here, at all. 

More than a Paycheck

Of course, it’s important to mention that there is a difference in pay and in compensation. There are things that we do as a company that are worth something beyond just what we pay as our hourly rate. 

This is important to mention because we might be comparable to some other lawn care companies in the area if you’re only comparing the hourly wage. But we believe a career with Oasis Turf & Tree is so much more than that.

We are focused on team culture and on making Oasis a great place to work. Our team members appreciate that management gets to know them on a personal basis and really cares about them on a deeper level. The management consistently goes above-and-beyond with special activities such as sports outings, games of kickball or wiffle ball, and cook-outs..

Plus, we also offer great benefits. You receive 2 weeks of paid vacation, paid health insurance, and retirement benefits. Those are valuable elements of compensation that can go overlooked if you’re only comparing hourly wages.

Climbing the Career Ladder

There’s also the chance to grow and to turn a lawn care job into a lawn care career at Oasis Turf & Tree.

We understand that there are some folks who look at a lawn care job as temporary. They’re just going to work there until something better comes along. We do see a lot of that at the tiny companies and the huge national chains, where turnover is high.

But the people who come to Oasis Turf & Tree, and who we look to hire, are people who are looking for careers and opportunities for growth, if they want them. 

lawn care technician in training

We achieve this by being training- and education-focused. We believe that we always have room to learn more and to improve. We think that makes us better as a company and we reward our employees for earning new certifications by providing increases in pay. Of course, we also help to set them up for success by helping them prepare for testing and paying the fees involved.

This also means that team members often have opportunities to move up through the company. They might start as a lawn care technician, become a team leader, and ultimately become a production manager.

But we’ve also had team members make lateral moves that had more to do with finding a position that was the best “fit” for them, than it was about climbing the ladder. For instance, we have had people start out as lawn care technicians but move into sales. Once we recognize that you’re a successful fit at Oasis as a team member, we’ll find a place for you—one where you feel you can be happy and thrive.

Choosing a Lawn Care Career

Oasis lawn care technician in CincinnatiAt the end of the day, it’s easy to see that there’s more to a job than just the pay. You want to be happy at the place where you’ll go and work every day, knowing you're appreciated and enjoying your time there. You want to have benefits and be able to take a vacation without taking a hit in pay and having to worry about making up for that loss. You want to know you and your family have health insurance coverage and that you can create a plan for your future with retirement benefits.

Of course, you do also want to be paid well so that you can afford to live your life the way you want.

At Oasis Turf & Tree, we offer all of that. And we want to be more than just a temporary solution for you. We want to help set you up for success and make you a long-term member of our team.

We’re here to support you in order to make all of that happen. That’s because we believe this is more than just a job. At Oasis, we’re here to help you make it a career.

Are you looking for a lawn care technician role where you can climb the career ladder? You can find out more about a career with Oasis on our website along with the job listings we have available.Learn About Career Opportunities

Or, are you a potential customer and want to learn more about professional lawn care services for your Cincinnati, Dayton, Ohio or Northern Kentucky lawn? Request your quote, choose the lawn care program that’s right for you, and then sit back and relax as the pros help you get your lawn in great shape!

Check Out Our Lawn Care Programs & Costs!

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