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Does Mosquito Control Work & How Much Does It Cost?

6 min read

Mosquito biting skin in lawn without mosquito controlDespite being so tiny, mosquitoes have a big chance of sucking the life out of any outdoor living experience. Mosquitoes are not only a major nuisance, but they’re also a significant threat in Cincinnati, Dayton, OH, and Northern Kentucky. Dangerous diseases like West Nile and the Zika viruses have frequently made headlines in our local community as the concerns of residents have grown.

The constant concern about the impact of mosquitoes has the power to put a real damper on spending time outside. While you may feel as though you should be able to enjoy your yard and find a way to reduce the mosquitoes, you may be skeptical about the treatment options. You may have wondered, “Does mosquito control work?” After all, the last thing you want to do is waste your money.

You may be trying to understand what yard mosquito control is all about so that you can determine if it’s right for you. That’s why we thought it’s important to answer some of the most common questions about mosquito control treatment.

Does Mosquito Control Treatment Work?

The short answer is, yes. Mosquito control is very effective at diminishing the mosquito population around your property. In fact, four applications, from spring until fall, can reduce mosquitoes on your property by as much as 90 percent. You’ll notice a significant difference.

Technician applying mosquito control treatment to shrubThis is because mosquito control targets the areas where mosquitoes are going to rest during flight. Most people don’t realize that mosquitoes are actually very weak flyers and do not stay in flight for long distances. They have to land and rest often. In fact, it’s a big misconception that mosquitoes will just fly into your property from another lawn and head directly to you and your family. The truth is, they’ll land multiple times before they reach you.

Areas like low-lying plant material, grassy spots, mulch beds, and other locations that retain a lot of moisture are prime landing zones for mosquitoes. This is exactly where a trained professional is going to apply product.

In addition to spraying mosquito control around common resting areas, a technician will also spray around areas where you spend a lot of your time—your patio, your fire pit, or your deck—so that you’re definitely covered in those areas, as well.

While your neighbors might not be using professional mosquito control, the fact that mosquitoes will land several times when exiting your neighbors’ properties to enter yours, the control product should take care of them before they ever reach you. However, when neighbors see the success that you’re having with mosquito control, they might also want the service. This will only benefit you, even more, when the properties around you also use mosquito control.

Is Mosquito Control Safe?

Happy family and dog relaxing in lawn with mosquito control treatmentWith a barrier around your property, you’ll be well protected from these pests. While that was your primary goal, you might still be wondering whether mosquito control products are safe.

When applied properly by trained technicians, mosquito control products pose no risk to people or animals—just mosquitoes. As mentioned, the product is applied in a targeted way (ornamental shrubs, grasses, and areas near patios and decks), not just sprayed everywhere. It is also dry within a couple hours.

It’s important to mention that the applied material does not last forever. Within a couple months it begins to break down, which is why multiple applications are recommended in order to maintain control.

How Much Does Mosquito Control Cost?

As soon as people realize that mosquito control treatment really does work, and is safe for their family and pets, their next question is: How much does mosquito control cost?

At Oasis Turf & Tree, mosquito control starts at $80 per application, based on square footage. However, if you bundle this service with other pest control options, you can save $220 per year.

It’s important to note that mosquito control is not a one-and-done treatment. In order to be most effective, mosquito control is typically performed as four treatments starting in late spring and ending in early fall. This time frame will cover the complete mosquito season. Each of the product applications builds upon the one prior, producing a strong barrier of protection.

How to Choose A Mosquito Control Company

There are many mosquito control companies in Cincinnati, Dayton, and Northern Kentucky. So, how do you choose the company that is right for you?

Oasis Turf & Tree mosquito control vanThe answer is the same way that you would choose a lawn care company. You’ll need to do your research and find a company that you can trust. You want to know that the company you choose has your best interest at heart. That means they aren’t adding a lot of unnecessary applications just to rack up your bill. In actuality, four treatments should suffice in spite of the fact that some companies spray more often.

Any time it comes to product application you also want to be sure that you’re using a company that has highly trained technicians, many years of experience in the area, and will treat your property like it’s their own. This will ensure that mosquito control applications are both safe and effective.

A skilled company will also use best practices, such as taking a targeted approach. Mosquito control does not mean just arbitrarily spraying the entire area. As we mentioned, it all comes down to finding and treating the landing sites. It takes a trained eye and a professional technician to hit those areas successfully.

Making a Wise Choice

Oasis Turf & Tree mosquito control lawn signUltimately, you have the power to take back control of your property. That’s because the choice is yours. You could either let mosquitoes continue to negatively impact your time spent outside or, you could choose to implement mosquito control that will drastically reduce the population and give you back your yard.

By making that smart choice you’ll no longer feel like you have to drag the kids inside from playing, stop the party short, or be worrying every time you’re in the yard. With mosquitoes out of the way, you can cast all of those worries aside and get back to enjoying your beautiful property.

If you’d like to learn more about mosquito control for your Cincinnati, Dayton, OH, or Northern Kentucky home, get your quote, let us help you choose a stand-alone mosquito program or add it to your other services, then sit back and relax knowing we’ve got it under control.

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