The Oasis Blog | Lawn and Tree Care Tips for Your Cincinnati Home

Lawn Care: A Year-Round Love Affair with Homeowners and their Grass

Written by Rob Reindl | Feb 14, 2017 2:00:00 PM

Holidays like Valentine’s day or a wedding anniversary can certainly be a time for people to show affection to loved ones. But someone who is head-over-heels doesn’t need a holiday to express their love. They show it year round! And that’s how it may be with you and your lawn.

We know that our customers love their lawns—and there are plenty of reasons for them to do so. There is an emotional attachment to your lawn when you experience some of life’s best memories on it.

Of course, the condition of the lawn is essential to getting the premium level of use out of it. Achieving its optimal condition comes down to working with the right lawn care service in Cincinnati, Dayton, or Northern Kentucky. In order to have a lawn you can truly embrace, you must find a company that loves your lawn as much as you do.

Here are some of the main reasons why our customers love their lawns and why the right lawn care is helping them keep that love affair going strong.

Lawns Are a Place of Refuge

Is your backyard a place of refuge after a long day of work? Is it where you go to unwind and relax? Maybe you’ve spent quiet moments lying in the grass, watching the clouds go by and daydreaming about your future.  Or you’ve shared a quiet moment with a loved one, stargazing in the still of the night.

Whatever it may be, your lawn is a place to escape the hustle and bustle of life and enjoy some peace. The right lawn care program will help keep your lawn in pristine condition so that you can continue to enjoy life’s blissful moments.

Lawns Are the Stage of Some of Life’s Best Memories

There are likely a lot of fond memories associated with your lawn. It could be the breakout football game that took place at the family barbeque or maybe it was watching your child take their first steps in the backyard.

Perhaps it was throwing a tennis ball to your pet or lying in the grass with your kids on a warm summer night. Or maybe you even have a child or grandchild that plans to get married on your lawn.

Whatever it may be, you love your lawn because of the memories it holds. Those emotional connections will forever be attached to your luscious lawn and keeping it in such excellent condition means working with a lawn care company that understands the value it holds to you.

Your Lawn is an Extension of your Home

Your backyard is an extension of your home. It’s a place to enjoy some of your favorite outdoor activities whether that be something active like a game of catch or pushing the kids on the swingset or something quieter like reading in your hammock or dining outside.

When you have a well-kept lawn, you’re truly maximizing the space that your home has to offer. You can take the party outside. And the smell of fresh cut grass and the aesthetics of gazing upon a beautifully kept lawn only enhance those outdoor experiences.

Lawns Are Good for the Environment

A healthy lawn has a number of benefits to the environment. For one, a thick natural turf  actually prevents runoff which in turn keeps pollutants out of waterways. In addition, air pollutants, such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, are absorbed by turfgrass, which helps keep our air clean.

And it’s also worth mentioning that a lush lawn will absorb sound, which helps keep noise pollution at a minimum and truly allows you to enjoy your backyard as a sanctuary.

In order to achieve all this, you’ll require a lawn care program that is dedicated to the overall health of your lawn—not one that just addresses problems as they arise.

A Year-Round Love Affair with Your Lawn

We know that your love affair with your lawn is year-round. Just as a loving relationship between two people requires devotion in order to grow and remain healthy, your love affair with your lawn requires ongoing attention.  

Working with the best lawn care company in Cincinnati, Dayton or Northern Kentucky is essential to ensuring that your lawn is ready-to-go come spring. It’s so important that you find a company that understands the value that your lawn holds. Most lawn care services will just look at your lawn like any other. But you need a program that takes a customized approach and gives your lawn the special attention it deserves. This level of care will ensure that you can continue to get the value out of it that made you fall in love in the first place.

At Oasis Turf & Tree, we know the value behind a healthy lawn. Our lawn care approach is customized to each property we work on. That’s because we know that it’s more than just a backyard to you. It’s a sanctuary, a place of memories, an extension of your home, and of course a benefit to the environment. We see the big picture and we understand your love—because we love our lawns too.

If you need to rekindle the flame of lawn love, give us a call at 513-697-9090 or let us provide you with a free estimate.