The Oasis Blog | Lawn and Tree Care Tips for Your Cincinnati Home

Does Grub Control Get Rid of Moles? Tips for Ohio & Kentucky Homeowners

Written by Rob Reindl | Jan 25, 2022 2:40:55 PM

To some animal enthusiasts, moles are kind of cute. Of course, plenty of people also find moles to be pretty creepy—particularly with their long finger-like claws.

Whether you’re “Team Mole” or not, we can all agree that the destructive damage that they can do to your lawn is anything but adorable! Their burrowing activity can cause serious damage to grassroots, which can harm your lawn’s health, and their tunnels can leave behind unsightly mounds of dirt around your yard.
So, how do you deal with these destructive pests?

Since grubs are one of the food sources that bring moles into residential lawns, many people want to know does grub control help with moles?

Unfortunately, grub control to prevent moles is not an effective solution and we’ll explain why and help give you some tips as to what you can do.

Grub Control and Moles

We have talked before about how important grub control is for Cincinnati, Dayton, OH, and Northern Kentucky lawns. That’s because lawns grubs can be incredibly destructive to the health of your lawn. When grubs feed on the roots of the lawn it causes significant damage.

As we mentioned above, because moles eat grubs, we often get asked whether grub control will prevent moles. Unfortunately, as we already stated above, it will not. That’s because there are plenty of other sources of food within your lawn that moles will also eat.

For instance, as we mention in the video embedded in this article, while moles do like grubs, their favorite food is actually earthworms!

Moles also eat beetles, snails, and spiders to name just some of their food choices. That means that getting rid of grubs to protect your lawn (from the grubs), will not get rid of moles.

We use a great analogy in the video. If every steakhouse in the city were to be shut down, there are still plenty of other food options available. While they might not all be our favorite choice, it certainly wouldn’t stop us from eating!

When to Apply Grub Control for Moles?

This is another common question that we receive and since we already answered Does grub control help with moles? with a “No,” then you know that moles shouldn’t be factored into the equation of when to apply grub control.

Even so, just in case you skipped ahead to this question, we want to emphasize the focus should be on preventing grubs (not moles) with the timing.

At Oasis Turf & Tree, we use preventative grub control products because taking a “wait and see” approach, as some do, puts your lawn at risk of damage. Oftentimes people don’t realize they have a grub problem until it is too late.

We start our preventative grub control treatment on June 1st and because the latest research shows that we can effectively apply these products all the way up until September 15th, we are able to ensure that we have provided the correct amount to keep grubs under control all season long.

How to Deal with Moles

So, now that you know grub control to prevent moles won’t work, what can you do?

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to prevent moles. Even if you’ve never had a mole problem in the past, it doesn’t mean you won’t in the future. We’ve heard from clients who never had a mole issue before and then suddenly start experiencing problems.

While there is no surefire way to prevent moles from invading your yard, you can address a mole problem swiftly to prevent further damage by being on the lookout for signs of a problem.

The most telltale sign of a mole problem is the raised ridges that they create as they form tunnels close to the surface of the yard. You’ll also see the raised mounds of dirt where they typically enter or exit their tunnels.

Periodically checking on your yard can help you to spot a mole problem as early as possible and get a solution underway.

Fortunately, hungry moles are relatively easy to trap. If this is not something that you are comfortable doing yourself, there are many mole-specific control services in our region and we can recommend some that we’ve gotten good feedback on from existing clients.

Addressing a mole problem as quickly as possible can help prevent more serious damage.

Whatever the Problem, We Are Here to Be Your Lawn Care Guide

At the end of the day, even if we don’t provide a specific service that you’re inquiring about (in this case, mole control), we want you to know that we are here to help answer your questions and guide you toward a solution. We truly care about keeping your lawn in optimal shape and we know that moles are a threat to that.

That’s why if we ever spot potential problems on your lawn, you can rest assured that we’ll alert you quickly and help you get the proper solution underway. And if you call us about a problem, we’re always here to offer advice and support.

It’s all because we believe you deserve to have the best lawn possible without the worries.

Want to learn more about professional lawn care services for your Cincinnati, Dayton, Ohio, or Northern Kentucky home? Request your quote, choose the lawn care program that’s right for you, and then sit back and relax as the pros help you get the lawn of your dreams without the worries.

Image Source: Grub, Mole Hill